DEXERYL: a simple range that meets your essential needs

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DEXERYL in figures

30 years

of expertise


the number of continents where it is sold


clinical studies have demonstrated our clinical effectiveness


patients have participated in our clinical studies



We have been caring for dry skin for over 30 years, and we know that this type of skin requires more care and attention.
We know that dry skin is demanding: it becomes red, reactive, tight, irritating and uncomfortable.
And we also know that all types of dry skin have one thing in common: although they differ, they all have a lasting impact on the lives of those affected.

This is why DEXERYL is committed to developing dermatological treatments with proven effectiveness and to making them accessible to everyone, providing everyone with the dermatological expertise that dry skin needs.

Our values

Dermatological expertise

Dermatological expertise

DEXERYL has a 30-year partnership with dermatologists, paediatricians and health professionals to help relieve all patients suffering from dry skin, with or without an associated condition.

Dexeryl has provided them with care products for each recommended use, with proof of effectiveness backed up by reliable and rigorous clinical studies. Dexeryl has also provided them with information and services to help them take care of their patients.



Pragmatism means getting to the point.
Pragmatic in the selection of our ingredients to create simple formulas without unnecessary ingredients; pragmatic in our approach that prioritises scientific evidence and clinical expertise; pragmatic with a simple range that meets your functional needs; pragmatic in our philosophy to always choose effectiveness to relieve those who suffer from dry skin.



DEXERYL's expertise is aimed at everyone and is designed to meet the multiple and specific needs of patients.
Regardless of age, skin type, dry skin condition, lifestyle or budget, whether connected or isolated, our products are for anyone hoping to find a safe and accessible solution that offers relief.

Your reason to believe in us?

Your reason to believe in us?

Dexeryl offers proven effectiveness recognised by health professionals for over 30 years1.


  • 30 years as a medical prescription by dermatologists and general practitioners
  • Europe's number one emollient for atopic dermatitis and in beauty products for family use (by volume)

The DEXERYL range is available in five continents.

Find a point of sale or buy online


  1. Wollenberg, A. et al. European guideline (EuroGuiDerm) on atopic eczema - part II: non-systemic treatments and treatment recommendations for special AE patient populations. 2022 J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol, 36: 1904-1926. 
  2. IQVIA - Pharmatrend International - beauty products for family use in pharmacy and parapharmacy in Europe (in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Czech Republic) - Year 2021 - volume & value - " IQVIA - Pharmatrend International - Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cz Rep, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland - Class 83B1 (Beauty Products for family use) - Atopy market - in pharmacy - 2021 - in volume "
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